Impressions in Life – Unique People you Meet Who Touched Your Life.
All of us have met people in our lives who have left an impression in our heart and souls. These people become influencers, teachers, and acquaintances we never forget and they have left inspiring memories in our lifetime. The characters I meet are aged, wrinkled, humbled, and spiritual people living a tough and simple life. These humans have such a persona my cameras, canvases, and sketch books have captured their movements, faces, and the look in their eyes. These studies, notes, and drawings are later used in my studios for the completion of the final artistic masterpiece. Each image created has the power to elicit a story, a message, and a feeling to a viewer.
The pencil drawing above is a portrait of a farmer named Chucky – “Farmer in the City.” He lived behind my home in a small shack with no running water or electricity on the edge of the city in South St. Paul, MN. This was one of the last remaining farmlands still standing close to the city. As a child these lands became my playgrounds. The suburbs have taken their grasp on these calm natural lands and plows have destroyed and replaced them with paved tar parking lots. Where once stood this farm nestled amongst the ponds, woods, and valleys, now sits a department store with many memories buried below. Sadness comes to my thoughts as I capture this feeling in Chucky.
People come into our lives at unexpected moments, like apostles these meetings come to us like angels and we are to acknowledge and share these experiences. Artists are documenters they are always capturing moments in time.